Caravel Consulting & Holding is an advisory boutique set up in Paris in 2014 with a strong financial and international background. Our clients are busy decision makers facing complex situations.

Whether they are shareholders or top managers, we know their main focus is to create value. We are there to assist them assessing existing situations and reflect on new opportunities by providing them time, financial expertise, outside perspectives and by helping them to take the soundest decision.

Our philosophy

We want to be seen as business partners rather than outside contractors. Even though we can operate as a short-time high-impact patch for one-off assignments, we like to deem ourselves as long-term trusted advisers. To guarantee that our interests are totally aligned, we usually propose to own a minority stake in the company, to mandate or to act as a board member on top of our mission.


Numéro d’immatriculation : ECCIF165860

L’Autorité des marches financier (AMF) regulates the actors and the products of the French financial market. It regulates, authorises, monitors and, if need be, controls, investigates and punishes. It also watches over that the correct information is given to the investors and accompanies them, if needs be, through its mediation dispositive.

Numéro d’immatriculation : 15000899

ORIAS is an association under the supervision of the Direction du Trésor, it was created in 2007 to certify insurance intermediaries, in application of a European Union directive from 2002.

ACIFTE is an association certified by the Authorité des Marches Financier (AMF), it gathers professional financial consultant for private companies and institutional organisations.

The DFCG is a professional association of financial directors and/or management control directors of private and public companies. Teachers and companies counsel in management, finance and information system are also members.


« Having Caravel be our startup’s CFO platform has been enlightening from both a business and personal perspective. They helped us focus on business development and feel relieved about all the financial and administrative challenges. I look forward to continuing to work with them as they help us grow our business sustainably. »

« Caravel Consulting delivered a really good help when providing the time and expertise to assist us on the closing of a complex LBO transaction in Morocco. They have become trusted advisors and I highly recommend their work. »

« Caravel helped me secure and execute a cross-border fund raising deal. I appointed Alexandre as a board member, and he then became my part-time CFO. He is now our interim Managing Director. I adore working with Alex and his team and highly recommend Caravel… »

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